Saturday 21 June 2014

Korea Getaway~ ♥ Part Five ♥

「23 December 2013」

Next morning while waiting for the others, it was snowing a little outside so me and the mum went out for a little photo session. It was like a really really really small snow session and i was scared we couldn't make it on time because there's actually very little time left before we were to board the bus, so i went out without my outer coat. But it wasn't cold so it's really alright to be out there without the coat.

The snowing session outside is really that little that it couldn't even be seen in the photos. LOL! But yeah, i had my fun~

When we get back in to the lobby area, the other still have not arrive so I grabbed the coat and went out to the skiing corner with mum for some photo time plus snow playing. hahaha. The small little joy even when the hands went numb after grabbing the snow on the hands! :D The series of "fun" captured by my mum.

Our first itinerary for the day.. Kimchi making session.. Ok, it's more like a cheat one where we only coat it with the already-made chilli paste. and the one we made are actually donated out.

Just right in the building, on another floor, we get to try out the traditional Hanbok. I just don't think im suitable to be in a Hanbok, because all photo comes out terrible. hahaha.

and i just had to take photo with these 2 adorable meimeis because they look so good in hanbok!

Oh well, actually their entire family looks great in hanbok!

Next up was actually to my most favourite, Everland~!! It's a pity that there's not really a lot of time for us to venture around there due to time constraint (that's what it's like to be touring in group rather than free and easy) Only manage to go to parts of the "more important" (my own definition of must-go in Everland, and my family members has had to go with me. hehe.) places mentioned below..

Look how beautiful it is even when we were just outside! Totally a big castle~

Got the tickets, and what awaits us inside is this beautiful sight!

Got on the cable car to get to where their attractions are..

But first, we had our lunch with our lunch coupon provided by the tour.. The most recommended by our tour leader, Karen.. But i think only the cutlet is nice, thou it's a little too dry..

Fast lunch and we went to the must-visit attraction that is to see the animals! Ok, my main trip to Everland is totally the animals only! hahaha. I mean we don't even have a lot of time there la. Of course priority is animals la.

These's creatures are really really better looking in real life. hahaha!

What i really wanted to see at Everland is the tigress-lion mixed breed, the Liger. Really really pretty in real life!! That's like the most ultimate aim to Everland itself!!

These bears are totally in for food only! hahaha. But they are really cute, they do anything the driver cum guide says because they get to eat after completing it.

Went ahead to the land of animals after that. But it's too cold for most animals to be out, so it's actually quite empty there.

But this monkey totally makes us very happy. and it posed for me! too adorable!!

I saw my "friends" there. hehe.

Then back to the meeting area..

Requested Jeff to take photo together since the background is really great for photo, and that it's actually the last few days there but still no group photo whatsoever.

Then family photo together with Jeff and Karen.. Because i started this, everyone starting "lining up" to take photo with them. lol!

Dinner was BBQ and it was actually still very early because of the next itinerary. Yummylicious..

There's a small store outside selling things that could be souvenirs so everyone went out to buy after eating. but nothing caught my eyes there since i don't think my friends will really want those things for gifts. hahaha. I bought a "I ♥ Korea" shirt for myself. hehe. bought it because i think the material is really good for sleep wear. oops. The material is really really soft! It's a little expensive but it's a souvenirs for myself.

Visited "King of Baking" bread school where we make our own breads.. (Side track: this show is really nice to watch, go watch if you haven't! hahaha)

While waiting to board the cruise after bread-making session, they got a little cold and found the heater thus everyone's gathering at the heater to warm themselves up.

Board the cruise on Han River for best entertainment PangShow while waiting for our bread to bake..

Totally munching away on sweets that i bought at Everland. hahaha.

Ok, truth is that i started feeling unwell shortly after dinner that night. and the dad helped me ease the sickness by pressing on the acupuncture? (穴道) to prevent me from vomiting when i got on the cruise. hahaha.

After that we got our bread, then we went back to the hotel which pretty much ends the day..


Be healthy, Goodbye :)

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